The conversations that you have with your attorney are protected by the attorney-client privilege. This means that what you tell your attorney is confidential and he or she cannot divulge the privileged information (there are a few exceptions to this, the most significant being an attorney’s duty to report child abuse). The confidentiality rules are designed to enable the attorney to offer the best representation possible.
In family law cases, your attorney needs to know the full story to help him or her offer you the best advice. Withholding information because it is embarrassing or because you hope no one will find out can harm your case and impede your attorney’s ability to properly advise you. If you are uncomfortable sharing personal information or are worried your attorney may think badly of you, remember that family law attorneys commonly deal with cases involving abuse, mental disorders and drug and alcohol problems, so it is unlikely that you will surprise your attorney with whatever issues might exist in your case. Regardless, it is far better to surprise your attorney in a private conversation than have your attorney be surprised in Court after you have spent thousands in legal fees.
Learn more tips from our divorce lawyer at the Law Office of Jay D. Smith. If you have a divorce or other family law issue, contact us at 512-340-0002 for help with your legal case.
Attorney-client privilege is there to protect you. Therapists kind of have the same rule. I think it's a great thing.
I think it's so important to build a relationship with the people you are working with. It is important to have trust and to be honest with others, especially when they are working on legal issues with you. This can be the difference between having success or failure.
You are right, it is very important to be honest with your divorce attorney and tell them everything. That way they can help you to the most of their power. If they know more, they can help you out a lot more.
Jak Manson | http://www.weanerlawoffice.com/about_us.html
It's so essential to be completely straight forward with your divorce attorney. If you tell them every detail, they can plan and adapt to that information. They're not there to judge you, they're there to work out all the problems in the most experienced, professional way possible. Being prepared goes a long way in court too.
Sylvia | http://www.mirawhitelaw.com
I think this is really great advice. I think sometimes people try to hide things in the hopes that withholding the information will benefit them in some way. I think when it comes to divorce and communicating with your attorney it's important to be 100% honest. I am of the impression that everything will come out eventually, so you might as well just get it out of the way in the beginning, that way your attorney can plan with that information.
Claudia Rosenburg | http://www.bhtampa.com
I think that is very important to do. It is always the best idea to be honest, especially when it comes to dealing with difficult issues that require a lawyer. A lawyer can't fully help you like they could without having complete honesty from you.
Gary Puntman | http://www.talawgroup.com/family-law/
It is very essential to be completely straight forward with your divorce attorney. If you tell them every detail, they can plan and adapt to that information. They're not there to judge you, they're there to work out all the problems in the most experienced, professional way possible. Being prepared goes a long way in court too. If you want the best attorney for divorce,child custody and other cases in Florida Contact Hunter Law Group Once
Thanks for the article. I couldn't agree more. Divorce attorneys are equipped to help out in these circumstances, but only if you let them. They can't understand and help you toward your goals if you don't explain the situation fully. It's always in your best interests to stay open in your communication.
Jenn | http://www.garrettandsilvey.com
I agree with Jennifer Davies. It's important to build a relationship with your lawyer when going through divorce. They were trained to handle these situations, so they know best how to help people through their divorce.
Bill Li | http://www.stephenbrowndorflaw.com/divorce-law/
It makes sense to me that you should be honest with the divorce attorney you are working with. Lying to them will not help your case, especially if it comes out later that you were indeed lying to them. I don't anticipate getting a divorce anytime soon, but if I did, I would make an effort to be as truthful as possible with my attorney.
Keara | http://www.stephenbrowndorflaw.com/divorce-law/
You really need to make sure that you are being honest with your lawyer. Your lawyer will do everything he can to help you, but he can only do so much if you are dishonest. Don't waste his time.
Jim Tracy | http://www.granatinofamilylaw.com/Arbitration_Mediation_Custody_Practice_Area_Norwell_MA.html
Honesty is always the best policy. I hope that this happens with every lawyer/client relationship. A lawyer can only help you as much as you help yourself. http://www.phillipsmithattorney.com/Probate-Law-Terre-Haute-IN.html
I really like this advice about being honest with your attorney. If you aren't completely honest then he won't be prepared when your ex spouse brings up past things about you. It will make everything run better if the attorney knows what he is dealing with upfront. http://www.holmanlawfirm.com/
I like the idea of being honest with your attorney. I think that lying about something or making something up to exaggerate your point is wrong. You also need to let your attorney be prepared so things won't randomly come up that will affect the way the attorney displays your case. http://abomkutulakis.com/legal-services/divorce/preparing-for-divorce.php
I think honesty with your divorce lawyer is the number one tip you could possibly give. You don't want to go through the case with your lawyer defending you on false premises. That could really undermine your credibility and destroy your case. Even if the truth is a bit embarrassing, it's best to tell it to your lawyer from the start. https://www.sodomalaw.com/
It really pays to be honest with your attorney. They are going to need all the information if they are going to be able to help you. Holding back information will only harm your case.
My little brother is filing for divorce this month. I guess you never know what is really going on in a marriage until someone takes the time to tell you about it. We know it will be hard for him, but we hope that he gets through all the steps swimmingly.
Cynthia | http://www.kelmreuter.com/practice-areas/family-law/
Honesty is going to be your best card you can play with your lawyer. In a divorce situation, you are going to want to be honest because it makes everything really easy and it also makes the process go a lot faster. I don't think I would find it hard to tell the truth in this situation.
Zach | http://www.iannonelawri.com
Regardless of why you plan on filing for divorce it is important to be honest with the man who is trying to defend you. Even if you feel guilty about some of the aspects of the divorce. This is no reason to hold those things back from the lawyer.
Great article! If I were to work with an attorney, I would definitely be honest. I believe if he has the whole picture, I would be best represented by him. I would expect the same honesty from him though. http://sheffronlawfirm.net/practice_areas/divorce
I plan to be completely honest with my attorney. Like you said, some of the information is embarrassing, but it is necessary that my lawyer knows about it. My wife and I are splitting up, and it could get messy. I have a feeling that I am going to need all the help I can get.
I think that people should always be honest with their attorney. If they want their attorney to be able to provide the best defense possible then they really need to be as well informed as possible. To lie to your attorney, or leave things out, will only hurt your chances of success in the courtroom. http://www.buhlerlawoffice.com/Family-Law-Divorce/Divorce.shtml
I also think it is great advice to be honest with your divorce attorney. Even if the information is embarrassing, your legal representation needs to know about it. This will allow them to be prepared if it comes out in court. That is not a good place to get caught off guard.
I don't see how lying to your lawyer during a divorce would help anything. The divorce lawyer is going to help you no matter what. He needs the facts to help get everything settled. If you were to lie to your lawyer, you could make things a lot more difficult.
Zach | http://www.sjweisbrodlaw.com/Personal-Injury-Hampton-VA.html
I feel like that being honest with your attorney is the best advice to give. I agree with it 100%. If you aren't honest with your attorney, then you make the case so much harder for your lawyer. Not only that, but you could really hurt your case. This is really good advice.
I agree that being honest with your attorney is crucial in winning any case. There are some things that you must be honest about that can determine the outcome of the case. At the same time, you want to be sure that the attorney is being honest with you as well.
This tip is so simple, but so important to follow. More important than making sure you're honest though, is actually hiring an attorney. If you don't have a good attorney, you can very easily lose your case. That's not what you want to do. I would definitely suggest hiring an attorney anytime you go through anything like this.
Your blog has helped me a lot really, the suitable topic and the perfect information and the main good thing is that it is clear understanding that everyone can understand it easily.
Grozinger Law
It’s almost always better for parents to resolve custody disputes without going to Court. However, sometimes Court simply can’t be avoided. Property Lawyers in Oxford There are strategies that every parent should follow both inside and outside of Court to strengthen their position when the time comes for the judge to make a decision.
I have an aunt and uncle that had to go through an divorce attorney. They were not able to agree on anything. It was sad to see them arguing as much as they did. I am glad that they were able to divorce and learn to be happy again. http://www.bettislaw.com/Services/
If you're ever going through a divorce, it can make a huge difference to have a divorce attorney. They can help you through the process or answer any questions you may have. It seems like that would make so much of a difference in the case! http://www.granatinofamilylaw.com/Arbitration_Mediation_Custody_Practice_Area_Norwell_MA.html
The importance of this tip can't be stressed enough. People tend to hide or alter facts that cast them in a bad light, but that doesn't help their lawyer or their case. Honesty is the best way to help yourself in a lawsuit. Always be clear with the lawyer about the details. http://www.jldabolllaw.com/en/
Being an attorney would be a hard job and would require a strong mind. Knowing how to come into a tough situation and figuring out how to fix it would take a lot of hard work and skill. I have nothing but respect for attorneys the work they do.
This is a lot better than a divorce tip, this should be considered a life tip. If you're ever in any situation that requires you to work with a lawyer, you need to help them. They need to know what they're dealing with, and what helping you means. Giving them everything they need and doing what they say are the best ways to start building your chance of surviving any type of case, including divorce.
This is a lot better than a divorce tip, this should be considered a life tip. If you're ever in any situation that requires you to work with a lawyer, you need to help them. They need to know what they're dealing with, and what helping you means. Giving them everything they need and doing what they say are the best ways to start building your chance of surviving any type of case, including divorce.
it is really true that you have to be honest with your lawyer because if your lawyer will not know the truth he/she cannot safe you .If your lawyer know each and every thing about the case clearly he can manage the things accordingly.
My sister is in the middle of a divorce, and she has had a hard time with this aspect. She is a very private person, and opening up, especially to someone she barely knows, is very difficult for her. This is one thing she needs to do better at, so that her lawyer can help her as much as possible.
It's comforting to know that lawyers have that guaranteed privacy that you mentioned. I can understand why some people are hesitant to share information. A lot of information, especially in divorce cases, can be extremely personal. However, the only way a lawyer can help you is if they know the whole story. Thank goodness there are so many good, trustworthy family lawyers out there to help people out. Thanks for the post, Jay! http://www.stephendunniganlaw.com/family-law/
Thanks for sharing this.
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Your tip is worth considering. Very factful and informative blog.